UWNC is looking for a Shasta County Continuum of Care Advisory Coordinator!
Think you might be a good fit to collaborate with our team and the Shasta County CoC? Read the RFP below and send in your proposal by January 20, 2025.
South Market Micro Shelter Community
United Way runs the South Market Micro Shelter Community in partnership with the City of Redding. The community is a transitional housing program that helps unsheltered individuals get from a life on the streets into permanent housing.
This project is about coming together in support of our unhoused population with the desire to see all people from every area of our community thrive. You can hear about the Micro Shelter Community from local news sources KRCR, Shasta Thrive, & Record Searchlight.
HMIS and Coordinated Entry
The NorCal Continuum of Care (CoC) Executive Board approved United Way of Northern California as administrator for the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), effective Jan. 1, 2024. The system tracks and coordinates homeless care delivery for Shasta County as well as Del Norte, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Sierra, and Siskiyou Counties.
HMIS is critical to the response of non-profits and government agencies serving unsheltered individuals. The system maintains a database of homeless people, who are assessed for their needs and connected to vital resources through a process known as Coordinated Entry. Communities must maintain homeless information and Coordinated Entry systems as prerequisites to federal funding for unsheltered services.
Project Homeless Connect
We help organize and fundraise for Project Homeless Connect, a community-based effort to connect those experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness with essential services. This annual event aims to remove barriers and find long-term solutions to help our neighbors move forward.
Continuums of Care
United Way is a voting member of both the NorCal Continuum of Care and Butte County Continuum of Care, local panels of nonprofits and government agencies that provide housing and other services to move people off the streets.