Giving Society

Join Our Giving Societies and LIVE UNITED

A gift to your local United Way of Northern California helps community members build better lives. Your support provides aid during someone's most challenging times after losing a home to a wildfire, offers tools needed to move off of the streets into more permanent housing, and helps provide access to vital mental health and substance abuse disorder services. 

Join one of our Giving Societies and become part of an elite circle of our most loyal donors who are making a difference in the lives of our neighbors.

Learn more about our dedicated donors and how we honor and celebrate them!

Investor Circle ($10,000+)

Investors receive a commemorative plaque, preferential seating at our events, and exclusive opportunities to provide input on grant selections or spend quality time with our CEO and program experts. Additionally, they enjoy all of the benefits of our Hero Circle.

Meet our Investors and hear their inspiring stories!

Hero Circle ($5,000-$9,999) 

Heroes receive an exclusive interview featured on our website and newsletter, a certificate of appreciation, and an invitation to our annual Wine & Cheese reception. Additionally, they enjoy all of the benefits of our Champion Circle. 

Meet our Heroes and hear their inspiring stories!

Champion Circle ($1,000-$4,999) 

Champions receive an exclusive interview to our VIP receptions. Additionally, they also enjoy all of the benefits of our Champion Circle. 

More information on our Champions coming soon!

Leader Circle ($500-$999) 

Our Leaders receive quarterly newsletters with program updates. 

More information on our Leaders coming soon!