What is the Micro Shelter Community?
The South Market Micro Shelter Community consists of 8 single-occupancy shelter units for transitional housing. Residents create relationships in a safe space while receiving on-site case management services that connect them to the tools and resources they need to transition into permanent housing.
Looking to apply to live in the
Micro Shelter Community?
Looking to apply to live in the Micro Shelter Community? We are working with local agencies to make applications available through coordinated entry. Stay tuned for more information soon!
United Way is Seeking Donations for Micro Shelter Items!
Do you have extra toothpaste at your house? Bring it over! Do you have extra unused sheets or towels? Bring them too! Click the button below for the full list of needed items.
Please bring donated items to UWNC’s Redding office at 3300 Churn Creek Road. Contact Micro Shelter Site Lead Sara Ray at sray@norcalunitedway.org to find out what items are currently most needed. We thank you in advance for your generosity! If you would like to give to the project itself, visit our giving page and select the drop-down "UWNC Shelter Project."
Q: What are your hopes for the South Market Micro Shelter Community?
"This project really is about helping the community examine different options for addressing homelessness. We all understand this is a complex and difficult issue for many communities. What we've learned in our work is that there is no quick fix, no one answer, and no one-size-fits-all solution, so there needs to be a lot of different options, and the City of Redding has recognized that.
This tiny home concept has had success in various communities around the nation, and so it becomes just one of the options we can make available in our community. We're going to start with a site that has eight tiny homes. We will make sure that the site is secure and safe and that resources are made available to the residents so that they can begin making the transition into a more permanent housing situation.
My hope for the program is, of course, that it demonstrates what we believe it will demonstrate; that this is a successful option and model for some unsheltered people, and therefore, the community sees the wisdom in investing even more into this option and creating a variety of tiny home sites in our community."
Larry Olmstead,
President & CEO of United Way of Northern California