Monique Finch

Development Operations Manager

Monique Finch headshot

Monique Finch joined UWNC back in August 2022 and enjoys her dynamic role as part of the development and marketing team. She has a successful track record as a real estate agent, property manager, and operations manager, and prior to that, came from the legal sector. She transitioned into her current role driven by her desire to make a positive impact in her community and assist those in need.

Monique seeks to create meaningful connections with each person she encounters. With her dedication to making a lasting impact in her community, she strives to amplify the virtues of compassion.

Currently finishing her Associates for Transfer, Monique is committed to continuous growth and education. Beyond the professional realm, she spends her time in the mountains and snow or with her German Shepherd. 

From a sales-driven career to a mission-centered commitment, Monique Finch encapsulates a journey of evolution. She hopes her multi-faceted background, dedication to education, and unwavering compassion can help create positivity and change in the community.


Michelle Weidman


Myriam Kalmogho