Arianna Castañeda

Marketing Coordinator

Arianna Castañeda headshot

Arianna Castaneda joined the United Way of Northern California crew in May 2022 as the Marketing Coordinator. She was promoted to Marketing Specialist in 2024.

Arianna is a native of Venezuela with a formative upbringing in Tenerife, Spain. In 2018, she made her academic journey to Redding, where she pursued higher education and fine-tuned her golfing skills at Simpson University. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Marketing in 2022.

In addition to her professional endeavors, Arianna’s interests are sunsets, coffee shops that serve as her creative oasis, and various social media platforms due to her awareness from Gen Z, which allows her to effortlessly connect and engage with audiences in an ever-changing digital landscape.

Contact Arianna at


Amy Forrest


Brenda Navarro